Be Secure - Feel Secure (BSFS) - Enhancing community trust & well-being in Piraeus

The good practices of BSFS now in the book: “Personal Data-Smart Cities: How Cities Can Utilize Their Citizen’s Personal Data to Help Them Become Climate Neutral”

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Τhe Municipality of Piraeus as partner in the DataVaults H2020 Project consortium, participates in the launch of a new book entitled: “Personal Data-Smart Cities: How Cities Can Utilize Their Citizen’s Personal Data to Help Them Become Climate Neutral“.

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The BeSecure-FeelSecure (BSFS) initiative and the CURiM ICT platform are featured in the chapter of “Best Practices in the General Use of Data in a City”.

The book addresses issues about the use of technology for the extraction and use of data and how these can contribute to the development and improvement of citizen services.

Discover the book for free here:…

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