Be Secure - Feel Secure (BSFS) - Enhancing community trust & well-being in Piraeus

BSFS joined the SURE’s final event

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SURE makes daily lives of citizens and visitors in Tampere safer and more secure by developing and testing a comprehensive and smart event-related urban security solution.

November 10, 2022 | Our fellow Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) urban security project SURE – Smart Urban Security and Event Resilience held in the morning of November 10th its final event “New Era of Urban Safety & Security? SURE! “ in Brussels.

The event was a great opportunity to share the gathered wealth of knowledge and experience on urban and event security and urban resilience.

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The BeSecure-FeelSecure (BSFS) project partners joined the event online while Mr. Nikos Nikoloudakis from Singular Logic participated as a speaker representing the BSFS project among the panelists.

The seminar included an amazing mix of urban safety, security, and EU policy professional, while the three UIA urban security projects from Piraeus, Tampere and Turin showcased the power of collaboration and holistic resilience strategies!

Learning from effective strategies developed by other European cities

As the world continues to discover the potential of holistic urban planning, European cities such as Tampere, Piraeus, and Turin seem to be a few steps ahead in implementing smart, urban planning strategies. 
One key partner in fostering a holistic approach to urban security and empowering cooperation is The European Forum for Urban Security (Efus). Executive Director of Efus, Elizabeth Johnston says wisely: “Open, safe and inclusive public spaces are what our European cities are defined by or wish to be defined by. Creating and preserving such shared public spaces is a challenge, that Efus member cities have been tackling for many years, in the face of diverse challenges. The network and such conferences as today enable each of our cities to progress in understanding and implementing effective strategies.“

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