BSFS Project Overview
Big and commercial districts are vulnerable for both inbound and outbound smuggling, street and organized crime. The BeSecure-FeelSecure (BSFS) project aims to reinforce urban security and promote positive perception of urban safety by providing strategies & tools to link the main urban security stakeholders & facilitate their collaboration in physical-and-cyber space.
What we do
BSFS will introduce the Local Council for Crime Prevention (LCCP), where the urban security city stakeholders will be represented (municipality, police, local chambers etc.) under the common goal to decide on activities and interventions that increase city resilience against crime. Under the supervision of the LCCP, BSFS will apply a number of spatial interventions, such as image management, target hardening following the CPTED “Crime Prevention through Environmental Design” model, accompanied by social activation strategies to enhance community cohesion and connectivity at neighborhood level.
BSFS will also offer a digital platform enabling the assessment of combined physical cyber threats and the visualization of risks and other relevant activities through geospatial mapping to facilitate decision-making.The BSFS solution will be validated and evaluated in the City of Piraeus (CoP), one of the highest populated cities in Greece with a systemic long-lasting corruption and problematic criminal situation, and will develop a set of replication guidelines for the wider adoption of BSFS solution in other cities.
Our Target
Increased sense of perceived security across the citizens of Piraeus
Improved urban security status especially in the most critical area of intervention
Collaboration among the municipality, the local police and the citizens in terms of urban threats’ response will be strengthened, promoting also the trust levels of the citizens towards the local authorities
The citizens of Piraeus will be motivated to engage with BSFS using the CURiM App, since they will be part of the urban security improvement of their city
The adoption, deployment and proper use of CURiM by the Urban Authority and the citizens will entail the reduction of unreported crime, facilitating thus the work of the Piraeus Police
The CPTED interventions foreseen to be performed in specific abandoned or degraded areas will transform them into safer and citizen-friendly locations
The successful implementation along with the replication activities are expected to develop the BSFS Urban Security Framework, which will be ready to be adopted by every European city
The project in numbers
of the Piraeus citizens believe that the port environmentally degrades the city